About Us
The idea of Addicts to Athletes began from Connor starting a youtube channel, to record his progress and also log the highs and lows of his journey. Whilst filming and continuing to progress in his fitness and mental wellbeing, Connor felt that somehow he could help to inspire others in similar situations to Get Clean, Get Fit, and Get Living. He found that running and motivating others was his key to recovery. After comments from others who have also been on similar journeys, he thought there must be many more people out there still struggling with their addictions, and so he started up a group to help them.
Our aim is to provide a safe place to talk, motivate, learn and inspire, so that others who were suffering could see that it is possible, and that it's never too late to change. Since then, we've gained members from all over the world who have gone on to become successful athletes and lead healthy, rewarding lives.
Although not much research has been done on addiction and routes to recovery, the data that is out there shows that people with substance abuse issues are more likely to recover by participating in peer-based support groups. It also shows that a new meaning of life and a new personal identity is hugely beneficial for their hopes of stable recovery. Our aim was to blend all of these routes to recovery, and that is how we became Addicts to Athletes.
Meet the Team
Our volunteers have a diverse range of different qualifications and experience. This way we can provide a welcoming and supportive environment for both our clients and our partners.

Connor Shannon
Chairman, SBR Leader, IT, Graphics
Swim, Bike, Run Leader Award
Addiction Recovery(REC-PATH)
Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Suicide Awareness

Janis Hill
Janis Hill Therapies
Jane Shannon
Level 2 Mental Health
Pastoral Support Worker
Behavioural Health
Suicide Awareness

Georgina Lester
Thrive Counselling
Therapeutic Counsellor
Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling
Registered with:
NCPS, National Counselling, Psychotherapy Society

Clem Smith
Occupational Therapy Student
Mental Health
Suicide Prevention
Safeguarding Adults Level 2
Safeguarding Children Level 2
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Level 1
Learning Disability and Autism

Philip Eastley
Activity Leader
Mountain Bike Leader
Mountain Leader & Hiking Leader
Yoga Leader
HIIT & Tabata Leader
Paddle Sports Leader

Mike Vaughan
Cycle Leader
Volunteer Support Worker
Lived Experience(18 months sober)
Gym Enthusiast
Full-time Legend

Myles Weston
Run Leader
First Aider
British Army Veteran - Former Military Instructor & Team Medic
Mountain Biking - Technical Trail Leader (TTL)
Outdoor First Aider/Emergency First Aider/Mental Health First Aider
Experienced at Map Reading and Navigation
Completed Royal Marine, Cold Weather Survival Course and Mountain Training
Advocate for People with Lived Experience of Addiction and Substance Misuse in North Devon Recovery Organization's (LERO)